--------------------- Act 1 -----------------------
Romeo : R U awake? Wanna chat?
Romeo : R U awake? Wanna chat?
Juliet: Hi there! Where R U?
Romeo: Outside your window.
Romeo: Had 2 come. Can't sleep.
Juliet: B careful. My family h8s U.
Romeo: And what about U, Ju? H8 me 2?
Juliet: B careful. My family h8s U.
Romeo: And what about U, Ju? H8 me 2?
Juliet: Am up for marriage if U R...
Romeo: 2morrow @ 9? I'll tell the Friar.
Juliet: Luv U
Romeo: LUV U more!
--------------------- Act 2 -----------------------
Juliet: I'm your wife now! Come to my bed 2night!
Romeo: LUV U to the moon and back. C U 2night Ju!
--------------------- Act 3 -----------------------
Juliet: Come back 2 bed. It's the nightingale not the lark.
Romeo: Coming up.
--------------------- Act 3 -----------------------
Juliet: Come back 2 bed. It's the nightingale not the lark.
Romeo: Coming up.
Juliet: Noooo, I was wrong !!! It's the lark. U gotta go
Romeo: Damn. Am going abroad for a few days.
Juliet: When will I CU again?
Romeo: Soon. Promise.
Romeo: Soon. Promise.
Juliet: Miss u big time.
--------------------- Act 4 -----------------------
Nurse: Your mum says you have to marry Paris the day after tomorrow.
Juliet: No way. F everyone. I love Romeo.
--------------------- Act 5 -----------------------
Juliet: I need help Am married to Romeo. I can't marry Paris.
Friar: Got an idea. U can drink a potion that will make u look dead.
Juliet: Gr8!
Friar: I'll send a message to Romeo, no prob.
Juliet: Gr8!
Friar: I'll send a message to Romeo, no prob.
Juliet: Thanks! C U l8r!
--------------------- Act 6 -----------------------
Romeo: Ju, why r u not returning my texts? LUV U
Romeo: R U OK Ju? LUV U
Romeo: TEXT ME!
Balty: Bad news. J is dead. Sorry m8.
Balty: Bad news. J is dead. Sorry m8.
Romeo: WTF?
--------------------- Act 7 -----------------------
Romeo: Oh, Ju.... I wish U were able 2 read this ... Am now drinking poison & lying next 2 U.
--------------------- Act 7 -----------------------
Romeo: Oh, Ju.... I wish U were able 2 read this ... Am now drinking poison & lying next 2 U.
LUV U Ju. Always.
last seen 10:08pm, 18/07/1303
--------------------- Act 8 -----------------------
Juliet: Got your text! Am alive! Was faking it! Where R U?
Juliet: U R dead??? What a
Juliet: Nightmare. Killing myself with your dagger. LUV U 2. Always.
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